不愿提起,不能忘记!      A 20-Year Memorial Service
 for Those Who Lost Their Lives in the Student Movement in the Spring of 1989

1989 Student Movement in Beijing  Page No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • No. 1 Flowers for Hu Yaobang and Democracy, Tiananmen Square, 1989.4.17 四月的鮮花獻給同情民主的胡耀邦。悼念胡耀邦是引發這次運動的導火線。 In April, flowers are dedicated to Hu Yaobang, the disgraced former Party Secretary, who was sympathetic to pro-democracy advocates. His death on April 15th marks the beginning of the student movement.
  • No. 2 Hu Yaobang's portrait, Monument, Tiananmen Square, 1989.4.18 紀念碑上胡耀邦的巨幅畫像,週圍有許多學校獻的花圈,及要求自由與民主的橫幅。 Students hold aloft a banner calling for "Freedom & Democracy Enlightenment" on the Martyrs Monument in Tiananmen Square festooned with a great portrait of Hu Yaobang, surrounded with wreaths dedicated to him by people from many universities.
  • No. 3 Democracy Wall, People’s University, 1989.4.18 人民大学民主墙。一幅哀悼胡耀邦的對聯諷刺中共官場現象:「不求有功但求無過萬壽無疆;寧作良臣勿為忠臣英年早逝」。 During Hu Yaobang’s memorial, a couplet on the wall of the People’s University lampoons the communist bureaucracy: “Seeking not accomplishment, but faults free, one shall achieve immortality”; “Being a bureaucrat of integrity rather than an obedient bureaucrat has one’s young life cut short”.
  • No. 4 Xinhuamen, Gate of Zhong Nan Hai, 1989.4.19 night 學生們在中南海門前靜坐示威。警察組成一道人牆,防止學生衝擊。那晚軍警武力驅散學生,出現流血場面,激起之後更加高漲的學生 示威活動。 Students hold a sit-in in front of a living wall of police guarding the communist party headquarters. During the night, the police dispelled the students with force, causing more protests later.
  • No. 5 Demonstration in the Rain, Beijing, 1989.4.20 「北大學生自治會籌委會」組織的第一次遊行,抗議昨夜軍警在新華門的暴行。「北大籌委會」在昨天剛剛成立。 The first march organized by the Beijing University Student Union Preparation Committee, protesting the violent acts of the army and police the night before at the gate of Xinhuamen. The Beijing University Student Union Preparation Committee was formed only a day before.
  • No. 6 "Sacrifice for Democracy!", Tiananmen Square, 1989.4.21 night 橫幅:「浴血民主」。北京工業大學學生高舉民主旗幟,星夜趕往天安門廣場,參加次日的悼念胡耀邦集會和請願活動。 Students from Beijing University of Engineering carry a banner, reading "Democracy Bathed in Blood", as they march into Tiananmen Square at midnight Saturday to join tens of thousands of other students. The students plan to spend the night in the square and wait for the memorial service of Hu Yaobang later in the day.
  • No. 7 Students Attending Hu Yaobang's Funeral, Tiananmen Square, 1989.4.22 佔領廣場的首都大學生參加悼胡,然後提出「請願七條」。圖為政法大學的學生在憲法第35條和胡耀邦畫像下參加追悼會的場面。 Students from various universities of Beijing participated in Hu Yaobang’s memorial service held on the Tiananmen Square. Afterwards, they issued a petition of seven points. This picture shows students from the University of Public Administration and Law participating in Hu Yaobang’s memorial service. The backdrop shows the Article 35 of the Chinese Constitution and Hu’s picture.
  • No. 8 Petition. East Gate of the Great Hall, Tiananmen Square, 1989.4.22 胡耀邦追悼會後,郭海峰等三人在人民大會堂東門台階上跪交請願書,未獲在大會堂裡面的李鵬接受。李鵬最近在回憶錄中否認知情。 After the memorial service for Hu Yaobang, Guo Haifeng and two others were kneeling in front of the eastern steps of the Great Hall of the People, presenting their petition. They were not received by Premier Li Peng, who was then inside the building. Recently, in his memoir, Li Peng denied he was aware of the petition.
  • No. 9 "Class Boycott! ", Peking University, 1989.4.23 「罷課----堅決捍衛學運領袖」。北大經濟學院研究生在張貼他們全體的大字報。 Students put up a poster at Peking University announcing support for a class boycott being organized by the student leaders from several universities.
  • No. 10 "Give me Liberty or Give me Death ", Triangle Corner, Peking University, 1989.4.25 北大三角地是學運的主要發源地之一。在北京大學眾多的大字報中,有一張寫著美國革命時的一句口號:「不自由,毋寧死!」 One of the additions to the many posters up at Peking University was this slogan from the American Revolution written on a bed sheet.
  • No. 11 Editorial of People's Daily, 1989.4.26 四月二十六日,中共機關報《人民日報》發表《必須旗幟鮮明地反對動亂》的社論,指學運是一場有計劃的陰謀和反黨反社會主義的動 亂。四二六社論引起了學運的進一步反彈。 The People’s Daily, the mouth piece of the communist party, published an editorial, entitled: “Must resolutely oppose any unrest”. This editorial is accusing the student movement of being a planned conspiracy against the Party as well as socialism. The April 26 editorial triggered a strong protest from the students.
  • No. 12 Grand Demonstration, Beijing, 1989.4.27 四二七大遊行,抗議四二六社論,上百萬北京學生和市民參加。聲勢之大出乎預料,中共最終未敢動武。遊行隊伍中的橫幅和口號有: 「民主萬歲,人民萬歲!」「廉潔的中國共產黨萬歲!」等。 The April 27th march was a protest to the April 26th editorial. More than a million students and citizens took part in this march. The momentum of this march was so huge that it went beyond anyone’s estimation. The Chinese authority was forced to reconsider and to avoid violent suppression. Banners among marchers include: “Long live democracy, long live the people”; “Long live the integrity of the Chinese Communist Party”.
  • No. 13 Map of 4.27 March Route, Peking University, 1989.4.28 北京大學的一名學生指著大字報上的遊行路線圖,說明學生如何闖過警察封鎖線,進入天安門廣場。 A student at Peking University points to a map of Thursday's march route on a campus poster up on campus Friday as he recounts a tale of how marchers pushed through police lines on their way to Tiananmen Square.
  • No. 14 Dazibao, big character poster, 1989.4.28 北京校園裡學生們認真地抄寫大字報,有些大字報是外地來京的學生書寫的。 Students take notes of the posters on the college campuses in Beijing. Some posters were written by students who came from out of town.
  • No. 15 A False Dialogue, Beijing, 1989.4.29 迫于四二七大遊行的壓力,中共導演了一場假對話。中共發言人袁木坐在「領導席」向學生訓話,學生「代表」則都來自官方學生會。 昨天正式成立的北高聯不承認這是一次對話。 Due to the pressure from the April 27th march, the Chinese authority conducted an insincere dialogue with students. The spokesperson for the government, Yuan Mu, seated at the head table, was actually lecturing the students. The student representatives were pre-selected from government-recognized student unions. The Beijing Independent Student Union, which was just formed the day before, refused to accept this as a true dialog.
  • No. 16 Students’ Manifesto, City Hall, Shanghai, 1989.5.4 上海各高校聯合發動紀念五四大遊行,數萬人參加遊行,之後上萬名大學生在市政府門前靜坐,要求就「四項要求」與江澤民對話。圖 為上海一大學女生在市政府門前宣讀「四項要求」。 In Shanghai, all universities jointly launched the grand demonstration in commemorating the May 4th anniversary, with tens of thousands participating. Up to ten thousand students started a sit-in, following the demonstration, in front of the Shanghai municipal government, demanding dialogue on the “Students’ Manifesto”, with Jiang Zemin, the Party Secretary General of Shanghai. A female student is shown in the photo announcing the “Manifesto” in front of the municipal government.
  • No. 17 Students from Beijing Normal University, 1989.5.4 五四大遊行。約七千名北京師範大學學生遊行到達天安門廣場。 May 4th, about seven thousand students of Beijing Normal University marched onto Tiananmen Square.
  • No. 18 Police blockade, Beijing, 1989.5.4 警察阻檔不住學生的洪流。 The police tried in vain to contain a huge crowd.
  • No. 19 Joy after breaking thru a police blockade, Beijing, 1989.5.4 向廣場遊行的學生們衝破警察的一道封鎖線後,發出一片歡呼。 The students cheered with joy after breaking through a police blockade.
  • No. 20 "Hello Mr. Democracy ", Tiananmen Square, 1989.5.4 學生的旗幟上面寫著:「德先生(指民主),你好」 Students carry a banner reading, "Hello, Mr. Democracy”.
  • No. 21 A professor supporting Students, Shanghai, 1989.5.18 上海一位參加過七十年前的五四運動的老教授到市政府門前發表演說支持學生的請願活動。 A senior professor, who participated in the May 4th Movement seventy years ago, is speaking to the crowd in support of the students’ petition in front of the Shanghai municipal government.
  • No. 22 "Conviction and Determination ", Demonstration on bicycle, Beijing, 1989.5.10 五月十日的自行車大遊行可能是世界首創的遊行形式,非常符合中國的國情。 Bicycle demonstration on May 10th is probably the first of the kind in the world, which fits well into China’s state of reality.
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