不愿提起,不能忘记!      A 20-Year Memorial Service
 for Those Who Lost Their Lives in the Student Movement in the Spring of 1989


  As of March 20, 2009, we have collected ~$22,000, all from individual donors! Thanks also to discounts from sympathetic vendors, this amount will be able to cover the estimated cost for the Memorial service. We want to thank you all for your generosity and encouragement. After the event, we will provide a detailed expense report. Additional donations are still welcome to cover advertisements - please contact remember64.org@gmail.com for specifics.   Donor List
  Only donations from individuals were accepted. We are sorry that your donation is not tax deductible. Remember64.org is a one-time, all-volunteer organization with the sole purpose of organizing the 20-year memorial service. We do not plan to apply for the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status because remember64.org will not exist after June 4, 2009.

  Budget Detail:  
ItemQuote (estimated)
Portable toilets (6 regular, 1 handicap)$740
Stage/Sound/generator $13,000
Compensation musicians/children chorus $1,000
Program printing $1,060
Photo print $1,400
Photo display easles $2,120
Candles/cups/shields $1,060
Raincoat for children's choir $100
Total $20,480
Income and Expenses for 5/30 event (final)